About Us
Rotherham Creative Learning is an education service within Rotherham Borough Council. We work alongside Rotherham Schools, children's services and communities to provide Wider Family Learning and Adult Community Learning across the Rotherham Borough. Our service is delivered through an exciting partnership with Rotherham Borough Council and Rotherham North Notts College (RNN Group) who is funding the service as part of their Community Learning Programme.
Adult Community Learning - We deliver a number of FREE courses, with FREE resources for adults, including both craft and digital projects. Our broad selection of workshops can be delivered in a number of ways, dependant upon the activity, We are able to offer online learning, distance learning and face to face learning. Please check the course description for the different ways you can take part. Online learning and distance learning options are supported by worksheets and video tutorials (where possible)
We love to work with established community groups. We can bring one of our creative workshops to your regular meeting. We are also expanding our offering into more community centres and libraries to enable us to widen our participation.
Please contact us if you would like to explore learning. If we do not offer the course you are looking for, we can direct you to our partner adult careers coach, who can support you.
Family Learning - Our wonderful family learning programme is organised, designed and delivered directly with Rotherham schools. Any Rotherham school who wish to engage with us to explore what we can offer, please contact us directly to discuss this with you.
We are committed to working with Rotherham adults and families to encourage placing education and skills development at the heart of the family. It is truly amazing to see so many Rotherham families engage with our creative workshops and enjoying learning new skills and developing ideas. For us, enabling creative learning to happen beyond the workshop activity is crucial to help us build stronger learning communities
To support adults and families to continue their creative family learning activities at home, we have provided a range of links and resources that will enable you to do this. Check out the CREATIVE WORKSHEETS tab on the menu bar above.